You’re using electricity for your business, paying money to the energy retailer, with no asset (this is more than likely your current position). You continue to try and meet the rising costs of electricity, wholly at the mercy of the energy retailer and fluctuations in inflation, with no foreseeable future benefit or respite as a result. Sound familiar? Now let’s compare your situation with Scenario 2 > | | Install solar with $0 Upfront Finance, any energy savings generated will save you on energy bills that you would normally pay to your energy retailer. You can now use those savings to finance your business’s solar asset, which in most cases is cash positive from day one. This asset will continue to save you into the future and will also safeguard your business against future energy rises. In summary, you use your business’s energy bill savings to put into a solar asset that’s going to reduce costs and generate income over a 25 year period. |